Today I got up at seven something, got dressed in a oober-cute outfit, grabbed my scriptures, and my mom drove me to the small brick-building next to the Junior High, with the cement sign declaring it as the Seminary building. Me and my mom sat in the car for a few minutes watching as the other kids filed in, and noted that the students were, to my dismay, mostly male. Finally a few girls came trooping along, and I new a couple of them, so wincing at my mom one last time, I stepped out of the car, and made lousy attempts at smiling.
When I got to the door, me and the other kids were greeted by our teacher, Brother Kunz, A tall blond man of German descent, who brings to mind a mountain goat, because he tends to "Hops" to and fro.
We started out with a hymn, a prayer, a scripture, and much nervous laughing.
Brother Kunz then asked that we come up one at a time and give either our testimony, an example of a testimony builder, or something that happened this summer that let us know that god loves us. Shockingly, a lot of the boys got up and talked..... I can honestly say I didn't expect that!
after a long stretch of silence, Bro. Kunz got up and left the room to do something.
The silence continued.
Suddenly, the Darth Vader theme song from StarWars popped into my head. And so I started to hum. First quietly, then gradually louder and louder. Unknown to me, Bro. Kunz had re-entered the room. as he walked past my desk, he an inquiring face, then shook his head and sat down. The room softly trembled with the laughter of the other teens.
I eventually got up and talked about the death of our duck Pippa, and how I was grateful for good friends, and the fact that God led us to someone who could humanly put the duck down. I didn't cry, but did feel a little light headed.
I was more than happy to sit down.
We had a closing prayer, and began to chat with those around us. All in all, not a bad experience.
And I get to do it again tomorrow.
I haz a happy.
Hey Beth! It is Bekah! Haha Darth Vator was at seminary today! ;)