Sunday, June 19, 2011


This is a random scribbling I did some months back, when Idaho was still in the icy chains of winter. All I can say is that I'm glad it's summer!

The wind is whistling past our house, the screen door banging open and shut. Frost creeps across the front window, Hoar frost building in the corners, and coating the trees outside.

It's beautiful, but deadly.

The heaters barely stave off the effects of the silent chill, sneaking into your bones, and making you quake from the inside.

Breeze rising to a howl, it drags across the lawn, fighting; the tree whips to and fro, and snow begins to descend in a flurry, struggling to land, but instead getting carried afar by the icy tempest. Occasionally, headlights are seen through the dim pale, but otherwise, I am blind to the outside world. All has been obscured from my view.

Nights falls, and the cold seeps into the walls, up the headboard, and once more burrows into my bones. Sleep hits like a black wall, and I do not resist.

Morning comes. Sun glints through the window in a merry dance. I abandon the warm embrace of my blankets, and draw aside the curtains; the sun has emboldened, and now continues to grow in strength and warmth. The frosted trees take on a new demeanor, crystalline curtains of ethereal glory, and the shafts of shining light touch on the snow, now lazily drifting downward, like a million miniature mirrors glinting joyfully, celebrating for the new come morn.

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