Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Bad news, people. Writer's block has me once more in its vicious, merciless grasp! So, I have to ask help from my readers: Where do you want the characters to go? What questions do you want answered? What creatures would you like to see more? please share your thoughts! I have made it so that ANYONE can comment, and you don't have to have a Google account.
Would love to hear from you! Every tip is welcome!

Your writer in need,
Anne C.

Thursday, July 7, 2011


Yes! I have broken free of the deadly Writer's Block, and you should be able to look forward to chapter six in just a few days! In the next chapter, we delve into the basement, and a bit of Zahncliff's past. Hope to see you then!

Monday, July 4, 2011


This is a piece I did in October, near Halloween. Hope you enjoy!

The sky blazes bold azure, and the scent of fallen leaves is ambrosia for the senses. The warm colors of autumn surround me, and the gentle cool wind trickles by, a precursor to the coming cold and snow. My mind decidedly wanders away from the thought of the unavoidable winter months, and back to my current surroundings. The school-yard swings creak, a raven calls to its mate, and children hurry home from school, many in masks, others with bright colored capes or fairies-wings, skipping, singing, laughing with friends. There is a noticeable buzz in the air, a note of excitement, a gay demeanor brightening the little red noses and ears of the elementary students. Its time I started home. I turn, my long brown suede coat swinging behind, sending leaves skittering in every direction. My black and white sneakers slap the paved-path, and my wool scarf rubs against my neck, making me tingle. I shove my hands deeper in my pockets, and make the trek home.

As I approach the front door, the smell cinnamon and baked goods reaches me, pulling me in. I feel a smile tug at the corners of my mouth. Mother has been busy. Once in, I am greeted by my siblings, clamoring at my feet, showing me their costume-jewelry, and twirling in their multi-colored skirts.

I begin to collect my costume articles, and retreat to my bedroom to change. My heart is racing with anticipation, and I hurriedly pull my under shirt over my head.

And so it is every Halloween. This love of fall is wrought out of years of joy and happiness, days full of baking and music and full-moons, hours with good friends, leaf-fights, and tree climbing. Autumn is when the soul tolls like a drum, a resounding rhythm, a tune that keeps you on fire, and livens your feet to action.

The symphony of fall; forever may you sound!