If you simply glance at this list, you will realize something; Most, if not all of my friends, are Nerdy and/or Geeky.
Jon The Tall and Gangly One: Gamer, Math Geek, Computer Dude.
Bryn The Booky: Reader, Fantasy, Wii, Techy.
Jenna Quick-Fingers: Gamer, Dr.Horrible, Sci-Fi.
KaT The Bubble: Fantasy, Reader, Home-Body.
Krystal The Artiste: Anime, Final Fantasy, Totally Awesome.
These are the Geekier of the Bunch, but add me, and we have a party! As a group, we are N.A.A.C., Nerds As A Collective, a group dedicated to bringing Happiness and the Zombie Apocalypse to the world, an organization stuck on thoughts of global domination, the latest in the Science-Fiction faction, and Donuts.
We are the ones who Cyber-Spy, the ones hiding in your closet, and going through your computer files in the dead of the night. We are the ones who wear clothing no one else would dare to wear, and do things that are utterly unthinkable.
Join the forces of Geekdom. Be free oh Nerds of this planet.
Live long and Prosper.
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